How Does MENSA Work

A question we commonly hear is, “How will MENSA and private banks work together for my benefit?”
Our answer is a relationship based on a simple, tried-and-tested, transparent business model,
best represented by a triangle:

Your Private Wealth Advisor (representing MENSA Investments, the IAM) meets with you to understand your goals, aspirations and plans for the future

Your Private Wealth Advisor helps select the ideal custodian banks for safekeeping of your assets

As the custodians of your assets, the selected banks provide custody and execution services

Your Private Wealth Advisor then carefully charts a roadmap for your assets, mindful of your risk appetite and financial objectives, and handcrafts an investment strategy

Your Private Wealth Advisor then carefully charts a roadmap for your assets, mindful of your risk appetite and financial objectives, and handcrafts an investment strategy

Your Private Wealth Advisor works with custodians to implement the investment strategy, incorporating high-quality products and services on a global level

With total transparency and flexibility, both MENSA Investments’ and the custodian banks’ online services provide you with access to your accounts 24/7

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